Saturday, January 7, 2012

Final Sail on Puppy Luff

Here is another post from the past
May 18, 2010

Well, today was a bittersweet day of sailing.  Brenda and I took our beloved little CP-16, Puppy Luff, out for one last sail before looking for a new home for her.  The day was sunny and beautiful with enough wind to sail, but just barely.  Seven to nine MPH winds moved us along well enough to maneuver about Lake Monona and enjoy the feel of her lovely tiller in our hands one last time.  She has been a great boat, teaching us what she could along the way and forgiving us for our novice abilities.

As we were coming into the docks, a gentleman on a very nice wooden canoe paddled up to ask who the manufacturer of our boat was.  We explained that it was a very well made shoal draft cruiser made by Com-Pac.  He said he had been admiring the beautiful blue-hulled sailboat all afternoon and just had to paddle over to see her up close.  We thanked him and explained that it was our final sail on her as we had purchased her big sister.  His eyes lit up and he asked how much we would be asking for her.  He paddled around the entire time we pulled her out of the water and prepped her for the short trip home.  Actually saying out loud to someone that it was our final sail on her definitely hit a tender spot.  I had to put on my sunglasses as soon as we got in the van to conceal the watering of my eyes.

Thank you Puppy Luff for treating us so well. 

1 comment:

  1. I SHOULD HAVE BEEN THERE!! I could have sold it for you!!!! That guy WANTED to buy just needed to inform him of such!! :smile:
