Thursday, March 12, 2015


53 weeks after listing our home we finally closed the deal today. The countdown has a timeline and it feels fantastic. The young family that bought our home will be wonderful stewards of our house and land. Nice people that are truly excited to raise their family there.

Two of our kids live close enough that they were able to help us pack, clean and move out over the weekend. Thanks kids. Our good friends Jim and Joni helped us immensely in the move as well. Mike's mom made us a wonderful homemade gourmet supper the night we packed our last load out of the house. Thanks Mom, it was appreciated more than you can imagine. We sold stuff on Craigslist right up to the day we locked the doors. Many items found great new homes or were donated to Goodwill and St. Vincent's. Mike particularly enjoyed delivering the snowblower to it's new owners. He won't miss that part of home ownership at all. It amazed us how much stuff we still had tucked away in the house and garages. We cleaned out the house and garages over a year ago thinking we were down to just a few loads of belongings. Wrong! We hauled and hauled and hauled some more. We are tired and sore from all the work, but it is all done now and we can look forward to a sail away date.


As we loaded our final personal belongings into our vehicles we each paused to stand in the driveway lost in our emotions and wonderful memories. This home holds so many warm and happy memories of basketball games, golfing in the front yard, fire pit evenings, sledding and so much more. It seems funny that leaving a house that we built with our own hands was fairly routine. Yet the memories we created here were hard to say a final goodbye to. A last embrace together in the driveway was shared with emotions getting the better of us. One wonderful chapter of our lives comes to a close and our new chapters have their first words yet to be written.


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