Monday, April 8, 2013

The Monkey Fist Adventure


Each year we go to Carlyle Lake in Illinois to join several Com-Pac sailors for four days of fun, sun and even a little sailing. We like to take along a small gift for each of the participating yachts as a thank you for attending. Two years ago Brenda and my mother made personalized burgees for each of the boats which were a really big hit.

Last year we decided it would it would be fun to make small Monkey Fist floating key chains as our gift. Sounds simple enough. Our friend George had given us one that he had made and it looked easy to copy. So, we purchased several colors of parachute cord, styrofoam balls and split rings planning to have them all ready to take along to the outing. We got busy sailing and working which of course meant we didn't get any of the Monkey Fist key rings made before we packed to leave for Illinois. No problem, Brenda will just do them during our seven hour tow to Carlyle Lake.

Four hours into the drive and guess how many key chains were perfectly knotted? You got it.... Not even one! No problem. We'll have a couple of days at the event to make them up. Sounds reasonable to us. Two days later Brenda's total output is exactly zero completed key chains. No problem. Mike decided to throw his talent at the obviously simple task to rescue Brenda. He promptly sat down and created not just one, but several perfectly miserable, unusable attempts.

No problem. There is a Walmart just a couple of miles away to find substitute gifts.

Fast forward to Spring 2013. Our friend George finishes laughing at our ineptitude and comes to visit and show us first hand how to make Monkey Fists. It sure seems easy when he does it. A few quick lessons and we are now fully qualified Monkey Fist makers. No problem!


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