Friday, March 1, 2013

Simply Sailing Books

I just finished reading Connie McBride's "Tips, Tricks and Tales: The Best Of Simply Sailing Online" and thoroughly enjoyed it. For those of you unfamiliar with Simply Sailing it encompasses a website and books which detail a family's trials and successes as they live the life of sailors rather than cruisers. They simplify their boat and lifestyle to allow them to sail, experience life and enjoy their time rather than hopping from port to port to repair all the gee whiz electronics and toys.

The book is worth it's price in one chapter alone. Their son, Garrett, writes a section titled, " Rite of Passage" that had both Brenda and I giggling and smiling. That kid has what Brenda calls a voice in his writing style.


Brenda and I had previously read their book, "Simply Sailing: A Different Approach To A Life Of Adventure" and found it eye opening. Their simple approach certainly has a lot to be said for it. There are ideas on simplifying your cooking, maintenance, sailing, navigating and more.


After our recent post about all the To- Do's we HAVE to accomplish for this sailing season, maybe we just need to take a hint from these folks and pare things back a bit. More sailing, less toys, more fun!


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